why is it important to play golf as a kid?

A common stereotype about golf is that it is a sport only for seniors after retirement. However, golf is a diverse sport that can be played by people of most age groups. For multiple reasons, it is crucial to start golf at a young age.

First of all, the most straightforward reason is physical activity. Golf is a long sport that can take up to four hours to complete and requires a lot of effort to practice swings. Also, walking from hole to hole gives cardio exercise. When hitting a ball, coordination is required, and it can be challenging at first. All of these skills require practice and effort to master.

Another reason is the low risks, as other sports are aggressive and can lead to injuries. Golf is an individual sport and has no contact, which reduces the chances of injury. Injuries that happen during golf are mostly minor due to incorrect swing postures. However, proper lessons will reduce the chances even more.

There is no limitation to age, size, physicals, etc. Other sports need some physical ability to have an advantage over others. Regardless of the child’s ability, golf can be a fit since it is solely based on skills. They will not feel disadvantaged due to their physical appearance. Also, golf is not a team sport, so if the child does not fit in a large team sport due to pressure, golf can be the right one. There is no one else to blame and get blamed on. As they learn golf, they will learn patience and individualism.

When practicing, kids will have time to spend outdoors, getting fresh air and sun for helpful vitamins. In addition, kids will socialize and make friends while playing golf. Yes, golf is an individual sport, but it is not isolated to other players. One round of golf usually has four players.

Starting a sport early gives a head start for high school golf or competition later on. It provides kids additional time to master skills and be more consistent. While learning golf, kids will also learn sportsmanship, how to follow the rules, etiquette among players, manners, etc. Many of these skills will apply in the future, so it will be beneficial to learn them earlier on.



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